T: 07808222630 naomi@happyhearthq.com

We all know (because we’ve heard it often enough) that the content we post across our social media platforms should be original, fresh and engaging. But it can be hard, really hard to keep coming up with ANY ideas for blogs, posts and tweets, let alone great ones. Sometimes your brain just freezes and inspiration is nowhere to be found. So what do you do when the screen is blank and your mind is even blanker? Well, you could do like Dan Brown, author of the Da Vinci Code, who tackles his writer’s block by hanging upside down in a pair of gravity boots. OR you could use our quick-fix, no-nonsense ideas for creating cool content. The choice is yours….





  1. Ask for feedback on your products or services: give your followers the chance to tell you what they think and highlight any improvements they think you could make.
  2. Post a quote: funny or inspirational quotes are a safe bet when it comes to likeable, shareable content; people just LOVE a good quote. Make your own using Recite, Quozio or Quotescover.
  3. Post a branded image: post a funny or inspirational image with your logo or website URL on it.
  4. Give your audience a glimpse of who you really are with behind-the-scenes pictures from your company.
  5. Think of some fill-in-the-blank posts such as “The best thing about working for myself is _________”
  6. Ask the audience. There’s an easy way to find out what your followers would like you to blog about, and that’s to ask them!
  7. Recommend one of your favourite businesses
  8. Suggest a tool (preferably a free one) that you have found useful.
  9. Use infographics: find an infographic that will resonate with your audience. Source Daily Infographicfor ideas, or better still, create your own.
  10. Share a  business tip with a sign up to get more (this helps with your list building too!)
  11. Share a song that motivates or inspires you.
  12. Post a link to an old blog post: recycling old posts will gain new readers and extend their lifespan.
  13. Post “Caption this” photos and ask your audience to comment with creative or funny captions.
  14. Express gratitude: list a few things you’re grateful for today.
  15. Share the love by thanking someone for a great service or a helping hand.
  16. Recommend a business you’ve used or worked with.
  17. Share a trending Twitter topic: use the free Topsy social search tool to find content that’s popular and trending on Twitter.
  18. Link to a guest post:  share a link to a post you contributed to another site.
  19. Share a Pinterest board: If your customers are on Pinterest (hint: if your demographic is educated, high-income females, they probably are), share a Pinterest board via Facebook or Twitter.
  20. Share a Pinterest board: share a Pinterest board – not necessarily your own – via Facebook or Twitter.
  21. Share testimonials or reviews – nothing speaks louder about the quality of your products or services than the words of happy customers.
  22. Tag another Facebook page, promoting another business helps to buoy the supportive networks social media is so great at establishing.
  23. Post an invitation to other businesses to introduce themselves by commenting on your post.
  24. Conduct an informal poll by asking your customers a question: polls generate discussion and deliver valuable insights about your audience.
  25. Present a problem, and ask for advice: people LOVE to share their expertise and ideas.

So, there are my top tips for quick, killer content: remember to keep it upbeat, informative, helpful, inspiring. Think good karma, think social, think engagement and sharing. And if you do decide to try the gravity boots method, I would  love to know if it works….

Naomi x


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