T: 07808222630 naomi@happyhearthq.com
A good enough website IS good enough!

A good enough website IS good enough!

Are you waiting for your website to look 100% perfect before you dare reveal it to the world? Spending hours searching for the perfect images to help you stand out from the competition? Wasting days on end playing around with words and content to try and sound clever,...
The real reason behind my rebrand

The real reason behind my rebrand

As you know my business has just gone through a very exciting transformation from ‘Branching Out’ to ‘Happy Heart Online Marketing’. And despite my initial reservations, it’s been an amazing journey.   I started Branching Out from scratch, and over 6 years, I...
What is SSL and why does my website need it?

What is SSL and why does my website need it?

Wondering what all the SSL fuss is about? You may have noticed a lot of recent talk about how you can improve your search engine ranking (when people look for your kind of business in Google, for instance) if your site has an SSL certificate.  And it’s true. Google...

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