Whether your business is on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or any other social networks, there is always the potential for things to go bloodcurdlingly badly. With the spookfest that is Halloween upon us, we thought we’d share some of the tricks and treats of social media.
Facebook: don’t create a Frankenstein’s Monster
Dr. Frankenstein hoped that the creation he brought to life would be beautiful, but was faced instead with a hideous monster. If you want to restore animation to your Facebook presence without scaring people away, keep it interesting:
- Create well-written copy: there’s nothing like boring, badly -written posts to make your customers run for the hills.
- Vary your content; status updates can be statements, questions, photos, videos, events, links to interesting articles…pretty much anything.
- Photographs have a particularly high interaction rate because they’re visual, easy to digest and they elicit emotion.
- Whatever you post, keep it consistent with your brand and keep your target audience in mind.
Bewitch your Twitter followers
Whilst we don’t have any workable spells to influence your Twitter followers in supernatural ways, these earthly suggestions will help you intrigue and captivate your audience:
- Present a consistent, human voice with which to tell the story of your industry and brand.
- Be useful: give advice, help others with problems by using the hashtag for your industry; including 1 to 3 hashtags in a tweet makes it easier for people to find and engage with you.
- Creating an original hashtag is a great way to stir up a little magic for a specific campaign.
Become a LinkedIn wizard
You don’t need to be a sorcerer to conjure up a lively LinkedIn account for your business, these simple steps will take you from zombie to wizard in no time:
- Update your company page, adding the services you offer; filling out your profile completely will earn trust.
- Grow your network by joining industry and alumni groups related to your business, and join conversations to communicate with your target audience.
- Share articles and resources that are of interest to customers and prospects – this will allow conversations to flow
- Ask questions in Questions and Answers – it will give you a feel for what customers and prospects want or think.
So, what better time than Halloween to get creative with your social media cauldron? Fill to the brim with well-written content; add a few well-placed hashtags and a huge dollop of industry expertise, a tasty link or two and some irresistible questions. Bring to the boil, checking its consistency (with your brand) before serving up a concoction that’s sure to be a real treat for your audience. Social media Trick or Treat? The choice is yours……