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Google Plus can be a great place to promote your small business online and connect with your target audience. But how do you make sure it works for your business? Follow my guide to help you get to grips with Google+ and use its features and tools to your benefit.

  1. Get your business page set up.

If you’re not already using Google+, or if you only have a personal page, the first step to promoting your business on this network is to create a Google+ business page. You’ll need a Gmail email address to sign up for Google+. Once you’ve done this, the process of setting up a business page is simple: head to Google My Business to choose the category that fits, and follow the prompts to create your page.

  1. Complete your ‘About Page’ properly

To make the most of your About Page you should create an SEO-friendly description with keywords and links back to your web pages. These links can influence your overall search engine rankings and a comprehensive, well-written description will give visitors a good overview of your business.

  1. Use great photos.

For your profile image, we’d recommend a quality headshot. A business logo can work, but let’s not forget that this is a social network and it’s better to let people see you as a person, rather than a faceless business. Take advantage of the bigger cover photo option and get professional photos done or ask a graphic designer to create an eye-catching banner for you or create one for yourself using canva.

  1. Reach out

To make Google+ work for your business, you need to grow your network of connections. Friends on Google+ are organized in “circles,” and a business page can’t circle another Google+ user unless they circle you first. The best way to expand your circles is by interacting with customers, prospects, industry contacts, and other relevant users. Look out for conversations where you can make a valuable contribution, and show interest in what others have to say by clicking +1 or leaving comments.

  1. Be nice!

Nobody wants to connect with a robot or a dull corporate identity, so use the platform to show off your personality. Acting like an engaging human being will encourage more people to circle you.

  1. Post optimized content often

One of the main advantages of using Google+ is that Google’s search algorithm favours search results found on Google+, so the more you post, the more often your business will show up in relevant searches. So post often, and make sure that your content includes SEO keywords that will get your posts indexed and promoted by Google.

  1. Use hashtags

Hashtags aren’t just for Twitter! They’re a great way to link your content on Google+ to relevant subjects, trending topics, and active conversations. Use sparingly, strategically placing one or two relevant hashtags at the bottom of your posts where they won’t show up in the teaser text but will be picked up by Google search engines.

  1. Share content from other sources

Don’t limit your posts to your own content; providing content for your audience that is relevant, helpful or entertaining, even if it doesn’t come directly from you, will keep your audience interested and engaged.

  1. Discover new engagers.

Create new circles to keep track of people who clearly engage with your content such as leave a comment or +1. And use Google Ripples to find and connect with others who might be sharing your content but not necessarily mentioning you.

  1. Use Google+ hangouts

Google+ Hangouts is a multi-person live chat feature that lets you interact through text, images, voice call, and video chat. Take advantage of this feature to set up conferences or presentations, hold Q & A or meet-and-greet sessions, or simply connect with your prospects on a regular basis. Hangouts on air are a great alternative to webinars as they are free. And if you are new to online broadcasting world, this is a great starter option.

Used well, Google+ can help you improve search engine ranking, strengthen your industry authority, and make influential connections to grow your business network. As a small business owner, you should leverage this growing platform to enhance your social media marketing. Just remember that it’s a social network, and your success will depend on how well you reach out, interact and expand your circles.


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