Want to keep up to date with the latest updates to WordPress, themes and plugins and get my support to help you with your website designs?
Join the ‘Work On Your Website With Me Group’, you will get exclusive access to my community facebook group, update advice and support for new releases.
You get live support with me in my ‘hands on’ design clinic sessions, where you can ask for feedback and I can even take a look at your website changes live.
Access to my monthly maintenance updates and support sessions.
The price if you join now is only £19 a month (or £190 a year)!
If you would rather work one to one with me on your Website Design, Online Marketing or Updates I offer 121 session online too.
- Exclusive access to my facebook group
- 2 monthly live support sessions to help you manage your updates and designs including:
- WordPress Updates
- Theme Update Tutorials
- Plugin Updates
- Design Advice
- Hands On Help
- Monitoring Website Traffic
- Exclusive access to a one to one live session with me
- 121 support session to help you manage your updates and designs including:
- WordPress Updates
- Theme Updates
- Plugin Updates
- Design Advice
- Hands On Help
- Online Marketing Consultancy
Happy Heart Maintenance
Imagine logging into your website one morning only to find that it’s been hacked. Instead of your usual welcome page, you’re looking at a big, red Google warning which says your site is now a ‘Phishing Attack’ or, worse, is hosting ‘malware’. You may even find that your hosting company has taken your site offline completely in order to prevent any further infection.
As a web designer, I often get new clients coming to me for help in these kinds of emergencies, and whilst we can usually get the website (or a subsequent version) up and running again within a few days, it is still a stressful time for all involved. And seeing all of your creative skills and brilliant copy vanishing into cyberspace never to be seen again, can make you want to give up your web presence altogether.
If you want to avoid this situation with your WordPress site, prevention is always better than cure. I am excited to share that I have now launched 2 maintenance and support packages designed to ensure your website is kept up to date and super secure.
- 24 Hour BackUp
- WordPress Updates
- Theme Updates
- Plugin Updates
- Monitor Traffic
- BackUps Restored
- Daily Virus Scan
- 24 Hour BackUp
- WordPress Updates
- Theme Updates
- Plugin Updates
- Monitor Traffic
- BackUps Restored
- Daily Virus Scan
- 30 minute Website SOS call per month if required.
- Monthly Google Ranking Report
Each one of my website design packages includes starter SEO, but if you’d like to take things to the next level. This is the perfect SEO package for you.