Our mission is to help grow small businesses online from seed to bloom! We’ve spent years stocking up our garden shed with all the tools, knowledge and materials needed to help you branch out online. We nurture your business from the roots up and support your growth through rain and shine.
We know that “online growth” can sound like an abstract and confusing concept, so we’ve written this down-to-earth guide to show you how our green fingers can help your business bloom online. Oh, and you’ll learn how to grow a sunflower too!
1. Prepare the soil for your seed.
We think of your business as the seed and our expertise as the soil in which it will grow. Our experience and knowledge of online marketing, web design, social media and e-commerce, allows us to prepare the ground perfectly for your businesses online prescence to flourish. WQe get the basics right: from building, designing and hosting your website to setting up your social media accounts and email marketing campaigns. We listen carefully to understand your business and your wishes, and we focus our attention on the platforms, tools and opportunities that will serve you best. After all, the seed determines the soil!
2. Plant the seed
The positioning of your seed is important: it needs to be given plenty of space to branch out, and it should be close enough to the surface to be able to sprout… and be seen! We know which online platforms and sites hold the most potential for your business – because we research to find out where your followers are, so we start your business off in the right places, ensuring visibility and optimising for success.
3. Water
As your seed sprouts it will need consistent, careful watering: too much will flood it, too little and you will dry out and disappear. we provide you with the tools to manage your accounts with consistent and regular attention, ensuring your business comes to life online.
4. Take Out The Weeds
As your seedling grows, it may become obscured by weeds, so it’s important to remove anything that might get in the way of your sunflowers growth. We help you check, monitor and analyse the performance of your online accounts regularly, and weed out anything that isn’t working well before it gets too big!
5. Protect
New shoots are tasty to slugs and snails, so take steps to protect your plant. Strong, consistent branching and original, engaging content will protect your business online. We show you how to use tools like short links that will ensure that your content will serve your business well and be instantly recognisable as YOURS.
6. Support
As your sunflower begins to grow taller, you will needs to help support the stem with a cane. As your online business presence grows we can provide ongoing training and support, bolstering your efforts and strengthening any weak areas.
7. Watch your sunflower grow towards the sun
Sit back and enjoy your beautiful bloom, turning its magnificent head towards the sun. And consider your online audience to be like the sun: always there, incredibly powerful and capable of bringing you a huge amount of growth. You just need to step out of the shadows and expose yourself to it. Be mindful and respectful of it through delivering useful, consistent, engaging content and your business will bloom.
So our job is to put your business in the sunlight, give you the right conditions and ensure that you keep on reaching upwards. Like a sunflower, your business can be bright and beautiful, standing tall and proud with deep roots and an unmistakable identity. If you want your business to radiate success and burst into glorious bloom, let me help you to branch out online!…