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For a long time at Branching Out, we’ve thought that Google + was the social media site to watch, and we’re encouraging our clients, with rapidly increasing enthusiasm, not just to be aware of this platform, but to become part of it –  without delay! Google+ is growing rapidly and now boasts the second highest number of monthly users (359 million) behind Facebook (1.15 billion) – but that’s not what makes Google+ so special.

So, why are we its biggest fans, and why do we think that it’s an essential place to do your social marketing?

Well, firstly, consider that Google Search is quietly intertwining Google+ with its SEO grand scheme. Posts on Google+ now count toward search rankings on Google, meaning those with the most active profiles on Google+ will have the best overall online identities. What’s not to love, right?

And look at its unique approach to building networks. In the early days, critics dismissed it as a “ghost town”:  sure enough, if you signed up hoping to spy on your ex-boyfriend or see photos of your friends in bikinis, it may well have felt like all the lights were on but there was no one at home. But Google + was never meant to just compete with or to replace Facebook and Twitter; it’s a totally different animal.

Google + is about building NEW relationships based on your passions, interests, profession or career. It offers a space to find information that’s relevant to you and to share it among the people that have the same interests as you, building and widening a new network of contacts.

And this is why it’s so great for business. Google+ is part of a bigger plan and process launched by Google, in order to evolve the way we relate to one another and how we communicate with the world. It allows you to bring your brand closer to your followers, customers and prospects in a different way than with any other social network.

It takes a bit of getting used to, this is true, but it’s more than worth the effort to take advantage of the fantastic resources in one place: Hangouts, Communities, YouTube, Google, Gmail, Google Maps and dozens of other products, all created to benefit and optimize your marketing strategy and take your brand further.

So, the answer is simple: the giant search engine’s social platform is behind only Facebook in terms of monthly visitors. But what makes Google+ really stand out is that it’s good for both the social network and the vital search engine optimization of an online business. It would seem that, for any business wanting to keep its social media marketing tiptop, Google+ is where it’s at.

If you would like your business to get ahead!  Then you need to get into Google Plus with Discover Google Plus Online Training for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs..

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